Saturday, 17 July 2010

Bio Fuels my Bottom!!

 Listening to- she's got you high by mumm-ra

I am so frustrated at the minute with everyone turning to using "BIO" fuels.

My friends at Lush and my persistant research has enlightened me to the fact that the solution to saving the rainforest, is apparently destroying more of it!!!

I really wish people would stop using palm oil, which is used for most toiletries including soaps and cosmetics, a lot of pre- packaged baked goods as well as ice creams and fried foods, paint (the biggest shocker to me as I go through gallons of the stuff), candles, house hold detergents, industrial lubricants, glue, and the biggy BIO Diesel.

With the rise in use of the apprently eco- friendly oil, even more of the amazon and other small rainforests in belize, borneo, indonesia  etc. are bring replaced with plantations. This confuses the orangutans which are then killed when they wander onto farm land which was once their habitat.

Unfortunatley palm oil is also used to make sett for woven fabrics which is devastating news!!!

I've managed to swap all of my toiletries that cointain palm oil for those without from Lush, and I agree it's a little more pricey but I'd probably just go and spend what little money I have on something else right.

Here's a link with more information:

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