Monday, 28 June 2010

The First Blog

Listening to: Norah Jones- Sunrise

Ok, well maybe not the first blog ever..... but my first blog. Apparently it's the "in" thing to do, with the likes of Tavi Gevinson and Colin McDowell on the loose, not to mention most of my friends.

A little about myself; my name is Kat, I'm 20's years old (so far) and I adore all things textiles. Such a foodie where all food is concerned, even though I'm a vegetarian. (I consider myself to be a human version of Remi.) I love vegetables.

I'm all about the kindness; I don't know where courtesy has gone these days, but I'm assuming I absorbed most of it saying as I'm such a colossal push over. I've become recently peturbed by the human race and am intent to create my own little world of calico, buttons and hand embroidery. (The plan is to build a big permaculture tree house in a hot country and go completely off grid in terms of electricity and water. After all, there's no point in even having a blog if i'm going to dissapear completely.)

I have peculiar taste in music from dub and reggae to new age acoustic, a bit of drum and bass fused with latin here and there and the ever popular non- music that just doesn't make sense at all.

So this blog, as if you hadn't guessed, will probably be filled with textiles, food and the environmental issues that concern me so.

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